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K.W.Moore, Sr.’s originals and limited edition giclee prints available for purchase. Contact for availability.
About Ken W. Moore, Sr.
Western Artist K. W. Moore, Sr.
KW Moore, Sr. is an internationally known western artist whose career has spanned over 50 years. His paintings and drawings are masterfully executed in a realistic style that is reminiscent of the old masters.
Ken’s work predominately revolves around subjects of the American West with series that include: Native American, The Working Cowboy – Men & Women of The West, The Mexican Series, Still Life, Landscapes, & Portraits.
Over the years Ken has been featured in galleries throughout the country. This included galleries in Carmel and Monterey, CA, Troy’s Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ, and The Ranch Gallery in Santa Fe, NM.
Today he lives and paints in the foothills of Northern California. After many years he still spends his days creating the images he knows best and considers to be the roots of his life.